Holds and Warnings - Admissions, Academic & Financial


If you are having difficulties registering for courses or placing an order for a letter or a transcript, there is a possibility that your account may have a hold on it.

To help you understand what each hold means, how it affects you, and who you can reach out to for help, please see the charts below. 


Code Hold Reason Implications of the Hold How to Resolve
AR Accounts Receivable Account is overdue

 - Unable to add/drop courses
 - Unable to view unofficial transcript
 - Unable to order official documents
  (official transcript, letters, diploma)
 - Unable to complete and accept
     Housing placement

Pay overdue balance listed on your Financial Statement
AD Admissions Hold Missing official document or transcript

 - Unable to add/drop courses
 - Unable to view unofficial transcript
 - Unable to order official documents
  (official transcript, letters, diploma)

Ensure all your official transcripts and documents have been submitted to the Admissions Department
FA Financial Awards Needs to contact Financial Aid Department

 - Unable to add/drop courses
 - Unable to view unofficial transcript
 - Unable to order official documents
  (official transcript, letters, diploma)

Contact Financial Aid
GE/GR Graduation Holds Student has applied for graduation

 - Unable to add/drop courses as
   graduation audit is in process

Contact the Service Hub to temporarily remove the hold
WG Writing
Has not successfully completed WRTG 100 or WRTG 101  - Unable to add/drop courses  Must appeal with a letter in writing to the Registrar to request permission to repeat the WRTG course


** A warning does NOT restrict you from registering or obtaining official documents.

However, if you have any questions, please see below for more information or who to contact regarding your warning.

Code Warning Description
AW/AA/P1    Academic Warning
Academic Accountability
Academic Probation
Your warning is related to your current GPA. Please contact your Academic Advisor or the Advising Office in the Learning Commons 
MP Do Not Publicize Information You have requested TWU not publicize any personal student information
RI Release of Information You have submitted authorization to share financial information with a third party. Contact the Service Hub if you would like to change or remove this.



  • Contact Us if you have further questions about the above Holds and Warnings
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Article ID: 152091
Mon 6/5/23 2:21 PM
Tue 8/20/24 2:33 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Assistance with your admissions, academic and financial holds.