If you will be receiving a new student loan, once TWU signs a confirmation of enrollment for your funding, this will automatically update your study period end date to the new semester and previous loan funding will be placed into non-repayment status.
If you will not be taking out a new student loan, you will need to log in to your National Student Loan Service Centre account and request a confirmation of enrollment. This will be sent electronically to TWU to confirm enrollment – note: the confirmation of enrollment will be signed beginning 1-2 weeks prior to the start date of classes.
National Student Loan Service Centre: Confirmation of Enrolment
Note: If you have a provincial student loan that is held through another financial institution separate of the NSLSC, please review the information on your provincial financial aid website for instructions on confirmation of enrollment for your provincial loan funding.
You must be registered in your courses, at the minimum course load required for funding, before TWU can sign confirmation of enrollment:
Undergraduate Studies
- Full-time: Students must be enrolled in at least 60% (9 semester hours) of a full-time course load. Students with a permanent disability must be enrolled in at least 40% (6 semester hours) of a full-time course load.
Graduate Studies
- Full-time: Students must be enrolled in at least 60% (5 semester hours) of a full-time course load. Students with a permanent disability must be enrolled in at least 40% (3 semester hours) of a full-time course load.
If you are a part-time student, TWU can sign a confirmation of enrollment for part-time registration; however, you will still be required to make payments on your loan funding as a part-time student.
- Undergraduate Part-time: Students must be enrolled in 20 - 59% (3-8 semester hours) of a full-time course load. Students with a permanent disability must be enrolled in 20 - 39% (3-5 semester hours) of a full-time course load.
- Graduate Part-time: Students must be enrolled in 20 - 59% (2-4 semester hours) of a full-time course load. Students with a permanent disability must be enrolled in 20 - 39% (2 semester hours) of a full-time course load.