Lab Printing Procedures and FAQ


Adding Money to Your Printing Account
All new students start at a balance of $0.00, however, the system used to charge for printing allows you to print into a negative balance up to $-5.00. If you find yourself close to reaching this mark or if you received an insufficent funds error message when you tried to print, you will need to add more money to your account. Adding money can be done through either purchasing a TopUp card from the Library Circulation Desk or via credit card. The steps are as follows:

  1. Purchase a TopUp card (if paying by cash)
  2. Login to a lab computer
  3. On the yellow box, which shows your account balance, that appears in the top right corner of the screen after login - click on the "Details ..." link
  4. Login to the PaperCut web site that appears using the same username and password you used to log in to the computer

If you are paying by Credit Card:

  1. Click on the "Pay By Credit Card" link on the left hand side of the screen
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully

If you are paying with a TopUp card:

  1. Click on the "Redeem Card" link on the left hand side of the screen
  2. Enter the complete Code exactly as it is on the TopUp card including the "-"'s
  3. Click the "Redeem Card" button

If you have any issues or questions about this process please check the FAQ below or submit a helpdesk request by going to and sending your request to Information Technology, then clicking on Printing & Computer Issues, then clicking on Print Charging (PaperCut). From there, you can create a new ticket by clicking Create Ticket at the bottom of the page, then adding "Computer Labs" in the Subject of Request field as well as selecting "Information Technology" in the Dept list.


Q. I added money to my account but the resulting balance was not what I added so what happened?
A. The most common reason for this is that you were at a negative balance and adding money brought you back to $0.00 or slightly above. For example, if your balance was $-3.00 and you added $5.00 your final balance would be $2.00. If you are ever in doubt, log into your PaperCut account (click on details on the Account Status window) and check your "Transaction History". That history will show you exactly what has been debited or credited to your account and is the best way to check if a payment has applied correctly. As always, if you still suspect a problem, feel free to use the TWU helpdesk to request assistance.

Q. I printed something but there was a printer error, however, I was still charged for the printout. How do I get reimbursed?
A. Please use the TWU helpdesk and send your request to Information Technology. Upon clicking on "Information Technology", click on Printing & Computer Issues, then click on Print Charging (PaperCut). From there, you can create a new ticket by clicking Create Ticket at the bottom of the page, then adding "Computer Labs" in the Subject of Request field as well as selecting "Information Technology" in the Dept list.

Q. There is an expiry date on my card, what does it mean?
A. The expiry date is the date by which the card number has to be entered. Your actual account balance will remain as long as you are a student at TWU. If you buy a card and find out that it has expired before you can enter the number, please use the helpdesk and we will resolve the issue with you.

Q. Will I lose my account balance between semesters or academic years?
A. No. Your account balance is rolled over from year to year. It is removed once your computer login account is removed which typically happens 6 months after you cease taking classes at TWU.

Q. I have money left on my account but am graduating or leaving TWU, can I get a refund?
A. No. Purchases are non-refundable.

Print Article


Article ID: 39836
Thu 9/28/17 12:12 PM
Fri 3/3/23 4:07 PM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Use this service to request assistance with your student printing account (PaperCut).