How to Edit My Profile Information


Table of Contents

  1. Instructions
  2. Descriptions of Editable Profile Fields


  1. Log onto Moodle and click your profile picture in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  2. Scroll down through the menu options and select "Profile".
  3. Select "Edit profile" on the left side of your User details.

  4. Enter new information.
  5. Once complete, click "Update Profile"

Descriptions of Editable Profile Fields

For quick descriptions of what each field you can edit in the profile means, please see below (they are categorized as per the Moodle sections):

  1. General
  2. User Picture
  3. Interests


  • First name, last name, and email address: These settings can not be changed directly from Moodle.
  • Email display: This controls the visibility of the address to others, allowing you to show or hide your email in the class. There are three options: you can set it so that all users (including guests) could see your email, or so that only other enrolled participants in the course can see the email address, or so that no one could see your email address at all.
  • Timezone: This field is used to convert time-related messages on the system (such as assignment deadlines) from the default timezone to the correct time in whichever zone you have selected.
  • Description: In this field you can enter some text about yourself, be it information about your studies, hobbies, qualifications or anything else that does not break the acceptable use policy of this site. This text will be visible to anyone that views your profile.

User Picture

You can provide a picture for Moodle that will be displayed by your forum posts and other similar places.

  • To upload a picture, you can just click the “Add” button and find your picture on your computer or you can also drag and drop file into the box , then click the “Update Profile” button at the very bottom of the page.
  • To delete or update a picture, check the “Delete” box and click “Update Profile.” After that, if you want a new picture, you can follow the instructions above.

The image should be in one of these file formats:

  • PNG (.png)
  • JPEG (.jpeg.jpg)
  • GIF (.gif)

It will be re-sized to 100x100 and 30x30 pixels. For best results, re-size the image to 100x100 pixels before uploading. Sometimes the automatic resizing produces unexpected results.

Note: Sometimes the profile picture does not show after uploading and updating. This is mostly because of “cache” or “cookies.” The web browser we use always tries to remember used pictures or information in order to quickly load the page for you when you request it again; however, it may cause problems in this case. Also, sometimes the picture shows up sideways even when you have uploaded it correctly. This is a common error that occurs when you use Internet Explorer with Moodle rather than Firefox (which is the preferred browser). Changing browsers can eliminate the problem.


You can provide a list of your interests and hobbies.

  1. Type your interests and hobbies individually into the "Enter Tags" field and press Enter after each.
  2. When you are finished select "Update profile" to save the data you have just entered.




Article ID: 134317
Wed 7/21/21 2:23 PM
Tue 12/13/22 5:41 PM

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