

GitHub is a web platform which allows users to track changes in collaboratively created documents.


GitHub is a web platform which allows users to track changes in collaboratively created documents.


Table of Contents

Getting Started


Forks and Pull Requests


Command Line

Closing Repositories and Push/Pull

Git init and Git add

Github Pages

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Git Remotes


Getting Started

Sign Up

  • Click the link in the invitation or go to and fill in the 'Sign-up' details. Keep in mind that you may choose to sign up anonymously if you are concerned about your privacy.
    • You can find more information on the GitHub Help Pages
    • Make sure you choose a free plan.
  • To complete the sign-up process, you will need to verify your email address.

Download and install GitHub Desktop

Go to and follow the download and installation instructions.

Click 'Sign in to'


Sign in


Click 'Continue'.


Click 'Clone a repository from the internet.'


Search for the title of your repo and choose it from the list.

Click 'Clone'

  • make note of the 'Local path' where the folder will be saved.
  • we recommend you choose 'Documents' on your PC or Mac.


Let it do its thing...may take a while.


Click 'Fetch origin'


If you want to add another repo, go to 'File > Clone repository'



Download Atom

Go to and follow the download and installation instructions.


Once it is installed, click 'Open a Project'


Go to 'Documents > GitHub > [your-repo-title]'


The files will appear in the left side 'Project' column.


To create a new page in Grav, right-click a previous page and click 'Duplicate'.


Give the folder a new number (if it's there) and name.


Watch GitHub for Poets 1.1



Table of Contents


GitHub allows users to create and edit a copy of a repo without changing the master branch, then, when collaborators have all decided that it is time, to merge the branch back into the master.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.2



Table of Contents

Forks and Pull Requests

Users can make a copy, or a fork, of any public repo, or any private repo to which they have access, and then edit that fork in their own account without changing the original. When they are finished, they can suggest their changes by creating a pull request for the original author to consider.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.3



Table of Contents


GitHub also features a layer of project management tools that users can use to track progress, identify errors, and communicate with each other.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.4



Table of Contents

Command Line

Users may use Git commands in order to access different directories from Terminal on their computer.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.5



Table of Contents

Cloning Repositories and Push/Pull

Users can clone repositories created in Github in order to work on them locally. They may also push changes to the master branch of the repository with any changes they've made, as well as pull changes that other users have made on the repository.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.6



Table of Contents

Git init and Git add

Users can convert their project folders into a repository in GitHub.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.7



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Github Pages

Users have the option to display the contents of their repositories with Github pages. This allows the users to display files in their repositories through a url.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.8



Table of Contents

Resolving Merge Conflicts

Merge conflicts occur when competing changes are made to the same line of a file, or when one person edits a file and another person deletes the same file. To resolve a merge conflict caused by competing line changes, you must choose which changes to incorporate from the different branches in a new commit.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.9



Table of Contents

Git Remotes

A remote in Git is a common repository that all team members use to exchange their changes. In contrast to a local repository, a remote typically does not provide a file tree of the project's current state. Instead, it only consists of the .git versioning data.

Watch GitHub for Poets 1.10



Table of Contents



Article ID: 146722
Tue 9/20/22 6:09 PM
Thu 12/15/22 5:59 PM

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