How to Download, Setup and Use Multi-Factor Authentication (Students / Alumni)


Table of Contents

  1. Downloading Microsoft Authenticator

  2. Microsoft Authenticator Initial Setup and Enrollment

  3. Using Microsoft Authenticator for MFA

  4. Optional Method - Phone / SMS (Text Message) Setup and Usage

  5. Frequently Asked Questions

  6. Finding Support


Before Starting

Please wait until you receive the below prompt when signing in to your TWU account before setting up MFA.

If you have not yet received the prompt as indicated, you do not yet need to set up MFA.

If you select the "Skip for now" option - after 14 days, you will have to set up MFA.

If you do want to proceed with setting up MFA, click on the "Next" button and follow the steps in this article.


Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) secures our corporate, personal and academic data by adding an additional layer of security above our passwords. This guide provides instructions on how to configure and use MFA with Microsoft Authenticator on your iPhone or Android device. 

If you don't want to download the Microsoft Authenticator App on your phone, you have the option of using SMS to provide you with MFA. To set up your phone using Text, please follow the Optional Method - Phone / SMS (Text Message) Setup and Usage

Audience: This guide is intended for TWU Students and Alumni.


You can View the Step by Step Video or follow the steps listed below:


Downloading Microsoft Authenticator App on Your Phone

Microsoft Authenticator Initial Setup and Enrollment

Using Microsoft Authenticator for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Optional Phone/SMS (Text Message) Initial Setup and Usage

Frequently Asked Questions

Finding Support




Article ID: 161113
Thu 8/15/24 5:58 PM
Thu 8/29/24 12:23 PM