Ways to Interact with a Ticket


There are many ways to interact with a ticket:

1. Email Reply

When receiving an emailed comment, press reply to respond.

  • Requestors usually use this method to reply to our message.

This will automatically notify the person who last commented through TD.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

2. Through Ticket Update

This is the most comprehensive way to interact with tickets.

There are 2 ways to update a ticket:

  • At the top-left of the ticket screen, click "Actions", then select "Update".

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

  • Alternatively, on the right side of the ticket screen just above the feed, click "Update".

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

The process of updating a ticket involves several steps:

1. Status
2. Responsible
3. Comment
4. Notify
5. Attachment(s)
6. Click "Save" at the top-left of the page

3. Through Ticket Comment

You can click "Comment" on the right side of the ticket screen, located just above the feed, to add a comment to the ticket.

Click the drop-down menu bar to select the person you would like to notify.

Once you have completed the comment field, click "Save". The person you chose to notify will then receive a message.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Private Comment:

  • If you are communicating with the responsible party and do not want the requestor to receive the message, click the checkbox for "Make comments private". In this case, this comment is only visible to that application users. 



Article ID: 21035
Wed 12/7/16 1:30 PM
Thu 11/28/24 7:17 PM