What to do if your account is compromised




When your account is compromised, someone else can log in and do damage to your account. Usually your account will be used to SPAM other accounts and rules are set to auto delete your email.

  1. Microsoft: will alert TWU if your account is sending mass amounts of SPAM and will block your account from sending email.
  2. TWU: will reset your TWU accounts password (Moodle, Portal, LAB computers, Library, Registration), which will sync to your  O365 email password to prevent anyone from logging in.


There are a few ways your account could be compromised:

  1. You enter your username & password on an illegitimate website
  2. Your password isn't complex enough and someone figures it out
  3. You use the same password on multiple sites that you also use your TWU email on. If one of those sites is compromised, the password can be used to attempt to log in to your TWU email


TWU will respond immediately. 

If you need access to your account, please contact the Service Hub with your student number and date of birth to verify your Identification.

More Information

Visit the Service Hub Page and get in touch with us via email, phone, or in person



Article ID: 32419
Thu 6/22/17 1:32 PM
Mon 7/17/23 12:47 PM

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