Use this service to initiate an I.T. admin to perform procedures within the Jenzabar application.
Available to
Office of the Registrar Staff
Several procedures are covered by this service request:
Clear Housing Deposit Date
Before a new year of student housing deposits can be collected, the housing deposit dates (subsid_master.udef_dte_1 field) needs to be reset. Please specify the date and time when the dates should be reset. Upon creation of this request, I.T. will respond as soon as possible.
Clear the Student PAID Flag
Before student charges can be run for a term, the student paid flag needs to be reset. Please specify the date and time when the flag should be reset. Upon creation of this request, I.T. will respond as soon as possible.
Clear the Torch Flag
Please specify the date and time when the TORCH flag should be reset. Upon creation of this request, I.T. will respond as soon as possible.
Telweb Group Code Setup
Each term, the JZ telweb group codes need to be set for new and returning students. The telweb code determines registration priority for students. Any changes to the telweb assignment rules and a new discount date must be updated in SQL stored procedures.
Please specify:
1) The discount date for the term
2) Changes in the rules (if any) for the assignment of telweb codes.
3) Date changes are required by.