Request an ID Card


ID Cards are available to all current students and are used for the following:

  • Library Checkout
  • Fitness Centre 
  • Athletic Events 
  • Campus Housing (if you are a resident)
  • Meal plans
  • and, so much more!

If you are in need of your very first ID Card (For replacements/reporting a lost ID card, please see here), please follow the steps below.


  1. Please submit a ticket here and let us know that you are applying for your ID Card.
  2. Upload a headshot with the ticket that you have submitted. 
  3. Once we've received it & printed your ID card, you will receive an email and a comment on your ticket letting you know your ID Card is ready for pick-up! 

Available to

This service is available to:

  • Current Students

For Alumni ID Cards, please contact the Alumni Office.


To get access to this service, you need the following:

  1. A headshot of yourself uploaded here
  2. To be a current TWU student


Need additional help, or have more questions? Click here and we'll get back to you! 

Request an ID Card


Service Offering Id: 378
Tue 1/11/22 10:32 AM
Tue 6/11/24 10:23 AM