How Do I Register For MBA Courses & What Is The Add/Drop Policy?

Tags MBA

**Any changes you wish to make to your study plan need to be approved by the MBA Coordinator first. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket to request approval**

Add/Drop Policy

You may add/drop a course up to two weeks before the class starts. Any changes after that will be charged as a full course. You may add/drop a course here. If you have questions, please read the step-by-step instructions on how to add/drop a course. 

If you are required to drop a course after the deadline due to emergency, you must submit the ticket to service hub. 

If you are unable to add/drop a course, you may have a hold on your account. Should you require an assistance regarding a hold/warning, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Office of Registrar through service hub.  

How Do I Find MBA Courses On The Course Registration Page?

1. Go to the course registration page

2. Click "add/drop courses"

3. Select the term you wish to enroll in (e.g. "Summer 2021"), under course code type in "MBA", under division select "Graduate", then click "search"

4. Check the course(s) you wish to enroll in then click "add courses" 

5. To drop a course, under step #2, you will see the courses you are enrolled for in the term. Select the course you wish to drop and click "drop course(s)"

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