Checking In to On Campus Housing

If you have not yet applied for Housing, please review the Housing Application Process. The website will take you through all of the steps of the Housing Application, from applying, to accepting your offer. 

This article will review the process of checking in to your assigned On Campus Housing. This step occurs after you have accepted your offer and paid your Housing Deposit.

When Can I Move In?

To confirm when you are able to move in, please review our Housing Dates & Deadlines Article

If you are still unsure of when you can arrive, please file a ticket with Housing 

The Check In Process

Please review our Housing Dates & Deadlines article so that you will know when your arrival date is. If you arrive outside of these dates, you will not be allowed to check in. 

If you are transitioning from a previous semester, please review our Semester Transition Eligibility and Process Article. Before you check in, please make sure that you have both Accepted your offer AND paid your $500 prepayment (if applicable).


Fall Check In Process
Spring Check In Process
Summer Check In Process

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please file a ticket with Housing