Set up your Desktop
Go to the Desktop tab
You can edit your desktop. You can also create multiple desktops for categorized reports
(eg. Dan's tickets, Survey, Projects)
Once you start to edit, the interface is pretty straight forward.
Your custom ticket reports are marked in green and found under Tickets - YOUR DEPARTMENT
Auto Refresh
TD Desktops can auto refresh your desktop(s). Steps include clicking Edit Desktop -> Details -> Enable Auto Refresh (checkbox)
For more information on how to set up TD's built in auto-refresh option, please view this article.
TD's built in auto-refresh can be finicky and does require remaining on that page/tab. Because of this, installing an auto refresh extension can still be a good idea. Depending on your browser, we can recommend a few extensions.
Chrome: Easy Auto Refresh
Firefox: ReloadEvery
The refresh will apply to the left most tab in TeamDynamix and your default desktop. Make sure the Desktop Tab is moved all the way to the left of your TD Tabs.