1. GET READY: TWU Housing Eligibility


Are you interested in living on the TWU Campus? For more information about Housing - please visit the Housing Website where you will find details regarding the different residences and meal plans available as well as the cost to live on campus.

Review the steps of the Housing Application Process

If you're ready to apply, please complete the following:

Get ready to apply


To stay in Housing on Campus at TWU, you must accepted as a current student that will be beginning classes in the upcoming semester. 


To apply for Housing on Campus at TWU, you must have been enrolled in courses during the previous SPRING or FALL.

You must also be in good financial standing with the university (No AR hold on your student account).


If you haven't yet applied to be a student at the university - APPLY HERE


Housing Application opens in your Student Portal for all students.

Article - Housing Dates & Deadlines​​​

Learn more about TWU Langley Housing styles and costs.

Summer Housing

Eligibility: Apartments
Eligibility: Dorms

Current TWU Housing pricing is posted here

Note that in order to access your assigned building, you will need a Student ID Card. If you haven't already done so - please click HERE to submit a request for a Student ID Card.

Do you still have any questions or concerns regarding applying for Housing? Click HERE to file a ticket and the Service Hub will gladly try their best to answer.





Article ID: 156375
Thu 1/11/24 6:10 PM
Wed 5/29/24 2:03 PM

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Questions about your residence at TWU?
If you are in need of an ID card, have lost your ID card, or are having trouble gaining access to certain services, click here and let us help you