Updating, Assigning, and Notifying on Tickets

Updating Tickets

To update a ticket, there are two options.

  1. At the top-left of the ticket screen, you can click Actions then Update.
  2. On the right side of the ticket screen just above the feed, you can click Update.

When you update a ticket, you should always check that it has the correct status. Below are descriptions of the statuses you will use most often.

New - New should never be a status you change to.  This is the default status of tickets that come in.

Assigned - When you transfer a ticket to someone else, mark it as Assigned.

In Process - When you respond to a ticket (such as a password reset) that you are taking care of, mark it as In Process.

Resolved - When you have completed all the work that needs to be done and have informed the customer of anything they need to know, mark it as resolved.  If you're not sure about something, it's best to leave it as In Process until you hear back, since this will generally lead to better feedback.  Customers are sent a survey whenever a ticket is changed to Resolved or Closed.

Closed - You should change a ticket to closed when a customer writes back to confirm that the issue is resolved.


You will always need to include something in the Description. There are three scenarios for this.

  1. You have taken responsibility for the incident. In the description, you will write your reply to the customer or use a relevant template response.
  2. You are assigning the ticket to someone else. You will use the Transfer Response template for the description. Make sure the requestor's name appears in the template after 'Hi.'
  3. You need to update information on the ticket. (e.g. The staff member came by to pick up their new phone, and the ticket is now resolved.) You can type this into the description and check the box next to Make Comments Private.

Once updated, the status will change in the top-right corner of the ticket screen.


Assigning Tickets


To make someone responsible for a ticket, click Actions, then click on Assign Incident.  Start typing in the correct person's name here in IT, and then several options will appear that you can click on. Make sure to notify whomever you are transferring the ticket to, or they may not see that they received it. If the ticket has already been assigned, you can also change who is responsible by clicking Actions then Reassign Incident.


Both the technicians and the developers have groups that you can transfer tickets to.  Rather than transferring to an individual, it's generally better to transfer the ticket to the group queue, and whoever should handle the ticket will grab it from there.  The names for these groups are Technicians and Software Development - both can be searched just as if you were searching for an individual person.

To take responsibility for an incident, click Actions, then click on Take Incident. If the ticket had already been assigned, click on Reassign Incident and type in your own name for the new responsibility. The ticket will then appear on your queue.



Whenever you reply to a customer, make sure that you notify them.  Under the text box where you write your reply, you will notice 3 separate places to enter email addresses.

The first is the quickest way to respond to someone, but it will only allow you to quickly select a contact who has either commented on the ticket or is responsible for the ticket.  If the ticket has come from a generic email (twit@twu.ca, support@twu.ca, tdsupport@twu.ca, etc), you will not be able to contact the customer this way.

The second allows you to type in the name of anyone within our organization who is a TeamDyamix user.  This is an easy way to write back any staff member, and it usually works for current students as well.

The third allows you to enter any custom email address(es), separated by commas.  Often for previous students, you will need to look up their alternate email address and enter it here.




If you have permission, you can edit the request form, change Priority, change requestor, etc.