Popular Services

If you don't know where to click...

Any Facilities requests related to Dorms, Apartments, Grounds, Custodial, etc.

Request your financial statement and receive assistance with related queries.

Request official documents from the university and get answers to related questions.

If you are in need of an ID card, have lost your ID card, or are having trouble gaining access to certain services, click here and let us help you

Request a change of course registration after the add/drop deadline.

Use this service if you have a credit balance showing on your financial statement and you would like to request a refund, but you do not want to withdraw from TWU. You can also select this option if you are graduating.

You can ask your questions and/or make a request for specific types of information here.

Get help with your transcripts, including assistance with errors or other issues you may encounter.

Use for general student inquiries or requests. ONLY for students enrolled or intending to enrol in a program under the GLOBAL department.

For students who need to reschedule an examination due to an exam conflict or major extenuating circumstances beyond their control.

Questions about your residence at TWU?

If you have a question and don't know where to ask it, you can ask your question here. We will either answer your question or direct you to someone who can!

Any questions regarding the Graduation Ceremony

Assistance with your admissions, academic and financial holds.

For all student tax related questions or requests.

Use this service if you would like to completely withdraw from TWU. Your account will be automatically assessed, and you will be contacted if you are eligible for a refund.

This service is for any TWU issued computer support
TWU issued computer or Lab computers

Request assistance with questions about your payment.

Explore financial aid options including student loans, scholarships, grants, and other assistance to support your education at TWU.

Request an update to your profile records on file with TWU.

Having trouble applying?
Trying to get ahold of the Admissions department?

Please fill out this quick form to provide our department with confirmation of your payment.