My Recently Visited Services

Any Facilities requests related to Dorms, Apartments, Grounds, Custodial, etc.

Request your financial statement and receive assistance with related queries.

Use this service to request support for a TWU Business Application

If you are in need of an ID card, have lost your ID card, or are having trouble gaining access to certain services, click here and let us help you

Make a purchase request for a laptop or accessory to fulfill a department or research need that falls outside the normal IT issued fleet.

You can ask your questions and/or make a request for specific types of information here.

If you don't know where to click...

Questions about your residence at TWU?

Get help with your transcripts, including assistance with errors or other issues you may encounter.

Ask questions about Meal Plans or Add a block plan or flex dollars to your Student Account

For requesting an accessible room

For all student tax related questions or requests.

Request a change of course registration after the add/drop deadline.

For all Students or Alumni with trouble accessing their mytwu email

Please fill out this quick form to provide our department with confirmation of your payment.

Having trouble applying?
Trying to get ahold of the Admissions department?